Our Team

University of Cambridge

Dorian Gangloff

Alex Ghorbal

Mete Atature

Zak Koong

Christian Schimpf

Yusuf Karli

University of Stuttgart

Peter Michler

Ponraj Vijayan

Raphael Joos

Simone Portalupi

Michael Jetter

Vorarlberg University

Fadi Dohnal

Sandra Stroj

Vishnu Karunakaran

Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Michał Gawełczyk 

Krzysztof Gawarecki

TU Dortmund 

Doris Reiter

Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz

Armando Rastellu

University of Sussex

Evgeny Chekhovich

EVG Group

Viorel Dragoi